The Bible : authorised King James version / introd., notes by R. Carroll,
S. Prickett. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 1998. - LXXIV, 445 p. - (Oxford
world's classics). - ISBN 0-19-283525-4.
Duffy E.
The strippning of the altars. Traditional religion in
England, c. 1400-c. 1580 / E. Duffy. - 2nd ed. - New Haven ; London : Yale
univ. press, 2005. - XXXVII, 654 p. - ISBN 0-300-10828-1.
Woodhead L.
Christianity : a very short introduction / L. Woodhead. -
Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2004. - 168 p. - (Very short introductions.
119). - ISBN 0-19-280322-0 : 100-00.
Sanders E. P.
Paul : a very short introduction / E. P. Sanders. - Oxford
: Oxford univ. press, 2001. - 165 p. - (Very short introductions. 42). - ISBN
0-19-285451-8 : 100-00.
Baggini J.
Atheism : a very short introduction / J. Baggini. - Oxford
: Oxford univ. press, 2003. - 119 p. - (Very short introductions. 99). - ISBN
0-19-280424-3 : 100-00.
Pinch G.
Egyptian myth : a very short introduction / G. Pinch. -
Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2004. - 143 p. - (Very short introductions.
106). - ISBN 0-19-280346-8 : 100-00.
Cook M.
The Koran : a very short introduction / M. Cook. - Oxford :
Oxford univ. press, 2000. - 162 p. - (Very short introductions. 13). - ISBN
0-19-285344-9 : 100-00.
Riches J.
The Bible : a very short introduction / J. Riches. - Oxford
: Oxford univ. press, 2000. - 160 p. - (Very short introductions. 14).
- ISBN 0-19-285343-0 : 100-00.
Chapman M.
Anglicanism : a very short introduction / M. Chapman. -
Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2006. - 157 p. - (Very short introductions.
149). - ISBN 0-19-280693-9 : 100-00.
Knott K.
Hinduism / K. Knott. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2000. -
142 p. - ISBN 0-19-285387-2 : 100-00.
Mind and religion :
psychological and cognitive foundations of religiosity / ed. by H.
Whitehouse, R. N. McCauley. - Walnut Creek : AltaMira press, 2005. - XXX, 248
p. - (Cognitive science of religion series / ed. H. Whitehouse, L. H.
Martin). - ISBN 0-7591-0619-3 : 100-00.
Solomon N.
Judaism : a very short introduction / N. Solomon. - Oxford
: Oxford univ. press, 2000. - 150 p. - (Very short intropductions. 11). -
ISBN 0-19-285390-2 : 100-00.
Keown D.
Buddhism : a very short introduction / D. Keown. - Oxford :
Oxford univ. press, 2000. - 136 p. - (Very short intropductions. 3). - ISBN
0-19-285386-4 : 100-00.
Ford D. F.
Theology : a very short introduction / D. F. Ford. - Oxford
: Oxford univ. press, 2000. - 188 p. - (Very short intropductions. 9). - ISBN
0-19-285384-8 : 100-00.
Lim T. H.
The Dead Sea scrolls : a very short introduction / T. H.
Lim. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2005. - 138 p. - (Very short intropductions.
143). - ISBN 0-19-280659-9 : 100-00.
Nesbitt E.
Sikhism : a very short introduction / E. Nesbitt. - Oxford
: Oxford univ. press, 2005. - 162 p. - (Very short intropductions. 132). -
ISBN 0-19-280601-7 : 100-00.
Chadwick H.
Augustine : a very short introduction / H. Chadwick. -
Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2001. - 134 p. - (Very short intropductions. 38).
- ISBN 0-19-285452-6 : 100-00.