Carey Chr.
Trials from classical Athens / Carey Chr. - London ; New
York : Routeledge , 2005. - VIII, 247 p. - ISBN 0-415-10761-X : 100-00.
Criminology /
ed. by Chr. Hale, Keith Hayward, A. Wahidin, E. Wincup. - Oxford : Oxford
univ.press, 2005. - XXXV, 594 p. - ISBN 0-19-927036-8 : 150-00.
Anton D. K.
International law : cases and materials / D. K. Anton, P.
Mathew, W. Morgan. - Oxford : Oxford univ.press, 2005. - XXXVI, 995 p. - ISBN
0-19-551648-6 : 200-00.
Ferran E.
Company law and corporate finance / E. Ferran. - Oxford :
Oxford univ.press, 1999. - LXIII, 658 p. - ISBN 0-19-876393-X : 150-00.
Barnard C.
The substantive law of the EU : the four freedoms / C.
Barnard. - Oxford : Oxford univ.press, 2004. - XCII, 549 p. - ISBN
0-19-925135-5 : 150-00.
Steiner H.
International human rights in context : law, politics,
morals : Text and materials / H. Steiner, Alston Ph. - 2nd ed. - Oxford :
Oxford univ.press, 2000. - XXXIII, 1497 p. - ISBN 0-19-829849-8 : 200-00.
Stone R.
Textbook on civil liberties and human rights / R. Stone. -
6th ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ.press, 2006. - XL, 528 p. - ISBN 0-19-928700-7
: 150-00.
Birnie P. W.
International law and the environment / P. W. Birnie, A. E.
Boyle. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ.press, 2002. - XXX, 798 p. - ISBN
0-19-876553-3 : 200-00.
Basic documents on
human rights / ed. by I. Brownlie, G. S. Goodwin-Gill. - 5th ed. - Oxford
: Oxford univ.press, 2006. - XXIII, 1273 p. - ISBN 0-19-927983-7 : 200-00.
Allen M. J.
Cases and materials on constitutional and administrative
law / M. J. Allen, B. Thompson. - 8th ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ.press, 2005.
- XXXII, 766 p. - ISBN 0-19-927879-2 : 200-00.
Chen-Wishart M.
Cotract law / M. Chen-Wishart. - Oxford : Oxford
univ.press, 2005. - LII, 680 p. - ISBN 0-19-926814-2 : 150-00.
Murphy P.
Murphy on evidence / P. Murphy. - 9th ed. - Oxford : Oxford
univ.press, 2005. - L, 684 p. - ISBN 0-19-928113-0 : 150-00.
Korah V.
Cases and materials on EC competition law / V. Korah. - 3rd
ed. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart publ., 2006. - XL, 788 p. - ISBN 1-84113-644-1
: 200-00.
Lenaerts K.
Constitutional law of the European Union / K. Lenaerts,
Nuffel, P. van ; ed. by R. Bray. - 2nd ed. - London : Sweet & Maxwell,
2006. - CLII, 969 p. - ISBN 0-421-88610-2 : 200-00.
Jones A.
EC competition law : text, cases, and materials / A. Jones,
B. Sufrin. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2004. - CXI, 1303 p. -
ISBN 0-19-926997-1 : 200-00.
Wyatt and Dashwood's European
Union law / ed. by A. Arnull, A. Dashwood, M. Dougan, M. Ross, E.
Spaventa, D. Wyatt. - 5th ed. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2006. - CL,
1224 p. - ISBN 0-421-92560-4 : 200-00.
Crime, criminology
and public policy : essays in honour of Sir Leon Radzinowich / ed. by R.
Hood. - London : Heinemann, 1974. - XXII, 650 p. - ISBN 0-435-82422-8 :
Lloyd's introduction
to jurisprudence / ed. M. D. A. Freeman. - 7th ed. - London : Sweet &
Maxwell, 2001. - XL, 1526 p. - ISBN 0-421-69020-8 : 200-00.
Fenwick H.
Text, cases and materials on public law and human rights /
H. Fenwick, G. Philipson. - 2nd ed. - London [etc.] : Cavendish publ., 2005.
- 1078 p. - ISBN 1-85941-655-1 : 200-00.
Honeyball S.
Honeyball & Boewrs' textbook on labour law / S.
Honeyball. - 9th ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2006. - LXII, 469 p. -
ISBN 0-19-928833-X : 150-00.
Virgo G. J.
Maudley and Burn's trusts and trustees : cases and materials
/ G. J. Virgo, E. H. Burn. - 6th ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2004. -
XCVI, 1033 p. - ISBN 0-406-98586-3 : 200-00.
Brownlie I.
Principles of public international law / I. Brownlie. - 6th
ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2003. - XLII, 742 p. - ISBN 0-19-926071-0
: 200-00.
Baker J. H.
An introduction to English legal history / J. H. Baker. -
4th ed. - Edingburgh : Butterworths, 2002. - XLIX, 600 p. - Ñ. XLIII - Àíãëèéñêèå ìîíàðõè, 1066-2002. -
ISBN 0-406-93053-8 : 150-00.
Bainbridge D.
Introduction to computer law / D. Bainbridge. - 5th ed. -
Harlow [etc.] : Pearson, 2004. - XLIV, 553 p. - ISBN 0-582-47365-9 : 150-00.
Williams V. (Dr).
Civil procedure handbook / V. Williams. - 3rd ed. - Oxford
: Oxford univ. press, 2006. - LVIII, 1125 p. - ISBN 0-19-920739-9 : 200-00.
Principled sentencing : readings on
theory and policy / ed. by A. von Hirsch, A.
Ashworth. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Hart publ., 2004. - 433 p. - ISBN
1-901362-13-2 : 150-00.
Burrows A.
The law of restitution / A. Burrows. - 2nd ed. - Edinburgh
: Butterworths, 2002. - LIV, 639 p. - ISBN 0-40693244-1 : 150-00.
Bradgate R.
Commercial law / R. Bradgate. - 3rd ed. - Oxford : Oxford
univ. press, 2005. - LXI, 937 p. - ISBN 0-40691603-9 : 200-00.
Harris D. J.
Cases and materials on international law / D. J. Harris. -
6th ed. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2004. - LXI, 1152 p. - ISBN
0-421-78150-5 : 200-00.
The handbook of
humanitarian law in armed conflicts / ed. by D. Fleck. - Oxford : Oxford
univ. press, 2004. - XXI, 587 p. - ISBN 0-19-829867-6 : 150-00.
Rodgers M. E. .
Understanding family law / M. E. Rodgers. - London [etc.] :
Cavendish publ., 2004. - XXI, 306 p. - ISBN 1-85941-920-8 : 100-00.
Ashworh A.
Sentencing and criminal justice / A. Ashworh. - 4th ed. -
Cambridge : Cambridge univ. press, 2002. - XXV, 419 p. - ISBN 0-521-67405-0 :
Gottfredson M. R.
A general theory of crime / M. R. Gottfredson, T. Hirschi.
- Stanford : Stanford univ. press, 1990. - XVI, 297 p. - ISBN 0-8047-1774-5 :
Robertson G.
Media law / G. Robertson, A. Nicol. - 4th ed. - London :
Penguin, 2002. - XLVI, 908 p. - ISBN 0-14-024769-6 : 200-00.
Freeman M.
Human rights : an interdisciplinary approach / M. Freeman.
- Cambridge : Polity, 2005. - IX, 201 p. - (Key concepts). - ISBN
0-7456-2356-5 : 100-00.
Finnis J.
Natural law and natural rights / J. Finnis. - Oxford :
Clarendon press, 2005. - XV, 425 p. - (Clarendon law series / ed. by H. L. A.
Hart). - ISBN 0-19-876110-4 : 150-00.
Hart H. L. A.
The concept of law / Hart H. L. A. ; postscript ed. by P.
A. Bulloch, J. Raz. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 1997. - XII, 315
p. - (Clarendon law series / ed. by P. Cane, T. Honore, J. Stapleton). - ISBN
0-19-876123-6 : 100-00.
Davis P. L.
Introduction to company law / P. L. Davis. - Oxford :
Oxford univ. press, 2002. - XXIII, 312 p. - (Clarendon law series / ed. P.
Birks). - ISBN 0-19-924940-7 : 100-00.
Dine J.
Company law / J. Dine. - 5th ed. - Basingstoke : Palgrave
MacMillan, 2005. - XXXV, 387 p. - (Palgrave MacMillan law masters / ed. M.
Cremona). - ISBN 1-4039-2099-0 : 100-00.
North P. (Sir).
Cheshire and North's private international law / P. North,
J. J. Fawcett. - 13th ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2004. - CXVIII, 1069
p. - ISBN 0-406-90596-7 : 200-00.
Taylor I.
The new criminology : for a social theory of deviance / I.
Taylor, P. Walton, J. Young ; forew. by A. W. Gouldner. - London ; New York :
Routledge, 1985. - XIV, 325 p. - (International library of sociology / ed. J.
Rex). - ISBN 0-415-03447-7 : 100-00.
Nicholas B.
An introduction to Roman law / B. Nicholas. - Oxford :
Clarendon press, 1975. - XIV, 281 p. - (Clarendon law series / ed. by A. M.
Honore, J. Raz). - ISBN 0-19-876063-9 : 100-00.
Dworkin R.
Law's empire / R. Dworkin. - Oxford : Hart publ., 1998. -
XIII, 470 p. - ISBN 1-84113-041-9 : 150-00.
Pearce R.
The law of trusts and equitable obligations / R. Pearce, J.
Stevens. - 4th ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2006. - LIV, 915 p. - ISBN
0-19-928535-7 : 200-00.
Ovey C.
Jacobs and White, the European convention on human rights /
C. Ovey, R. White. - 4th ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2006. - LVIII,
591 p. - ISBN 0-19-928810-0 : 150-00.
Ashworh A.
Principles of criminal law / A. Ashworh. - Oxford : Oxford
univ. press, 2006. - XXVII, 508 p. - ISBN 0-19-928114-9 : 150-00.
McKendrick E.
Contract law : text, cases, and materials / E. McKendrick.
- 2nd ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2005. - XXXIX, 1270 p. - ISBN
1-19-927480-0 : 200-00.
Herring J.
Criminal law : Text, cases, and materials / J. Herring. -
2nd ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2006. - LIX, 1023 p. - ISBN
0-19-928935-2 : 200-00.
Legislatures and
legislators / ed. by Ph. Norton. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 1998. - XXV, 571
p. - ISBN 1-85521-357-5 : 150-00.
International law
documents / ed. by M. D. Evans. - 7th ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press,
2005. - VIII, 618 p. - (Blackstone's statutes). - ISBN 0-19-928312-5 :
The anatomy of
corporate law : a comparative and functional approach / R. Kraakman [è
äð.]. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2006. - XVI, 231 p. -
ISBN 0-19-926064-8 : 100-00.
The Oxford history
of the prison : the practice of punishment in western society / ed. by N.
Morris, D. J. Rothman. - New York ; Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 1998. - XIV,
425 p. - ISBN 0-19-511-814-6 : 150-00.
Zander M.
Cases and materials on the English legal system / M.
Zander. - 9th ed. - Edinbourgh : LexisNexis, 2003. - LXIII, 803 p. - (Law in
context / ed. W. Twining, Chr. McCrudden). - ISBN 0-406-96380-0 : 200-00.
Zweigert K.
Introduction to comparative law / K. Zweigert, H. Kotz. -
3rd rev. ed. ; trasl. from the German by T. Weir. - Oxford : Clarendon press,
1998. - XXVI, 714 p. - ISBN 0-19-826859-9 : 200-00.
Muchlinski P.
Multinational enterprises and the law / P. Muchlinski. -
Malden : Blackwell publ., 2005. - LXII, 674 p. - ISBN 0-631-21676-6 : 150-00.
Shaw M. N.
International law / M. N. Shaw. - 5th ed. - Cambridge :
Cambridge univ. press, 2003. - CLV, 1288 p. - ISBN 0-521-53183-7 : 200-00.
Felson M.
Crime and everyday life / M. Felson. - 3rd ed. - Thousand
oaks [etc.] : Sage publ., 2002. - IX, 209 p. - ISBN 0-7619-8761-4 : 100-00.
Gray K.
Land law / K. Gray, S. F. Gray. - 4th ed. - Oxford : Oxford
univ. press, 2006. - LVI, 630 p. - (Core text series / ed. N. Padfield). -
ISBN 0-19-928445-8 : 150-00.
Braithwaite J.
Crime, shame and reintegration / J. Braithwaite. -
Cambridge : Cambridge univ. press, 1989. - VIII, 226 p. - ISBN 0-521-35668-7
: 100-00.
Lintott A.
The constitution of the Roman Republic / A. Lintott. -
Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2004. - XI, 297 p. - ISBN 0-19-926108-3 :
Tomkins A.
Public law / A. Tomkins. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press,
2003. - XX, 231 p. - (Clarendon law series / ed. by P. Birks). - ISBN
0-19-926077-X : 100-00.
Adams J.
Understanding contract law / J. Adams, R. Brownsword. - 4th
ed. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2004. - X, 284 p. - ISBN 0-421-85850-8 :
Foucault M.
Discipline and punish : the birth of the prison / M.
Foucault ; transl. from the French by A. Sheridan. - London : Penguin, 1977.
- IX, 333 p. - (Penguin social sciences). - ISBN 0-14-013722-X : 100-00.
A dictionary of law
/ ed. by E. A. Martin, J. Law. - 6th ed. - Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2006.
- 590 p. - ISBN 0-19-280698-X : 150-00.